【軟體】Perspective Box 透視箱


1. 掃描QR Cord建立儲存箱

若無QR Cord也可以

Scan QR Code to create a storage box

It can be done without QR Cord

2. 掃描QR Code顯示儲存箱內容

Scan the QR Code to display the contents of the storage box

Scan the QR Code to directly display the contents of the glove box — 掃描QR Code後直接顯示置物箱內容

3. 儲存箱搜尋

Searching in storage box

Search storage box — 搜尋收納箱

4. 列印QR Code

Print QR Code

Print QR Code — 列印QR Code
Print the QR Code on the surface of the storage box through a barcode printer or screenshot — 透過條碼機或是截圖列印QR Code貼於置物箱表面



